Un honor estar invitado a participar en uno de los cursos más importantes del año, relacionado con SARCOMAS y TUMORES EN LA PELVIS organizado y dirigido por:
• Prof. dr. M.A.J. (Michiel) van de Sande, orthopedic surgeon, Leiden University Medical Center, the Netherlands
• Prof. L. Jeys (Lee), PhD orthopedic surgeon, The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Trust, Birmingham, United Kingdom
The 7th “Advanced surgical techniques in pelvic-reconstruction: hands-on course” on 3 & 4 February 2025. The course will be hosted in Leiden, the Netherlands. It is organised by the Department of Orthopaedic Oncology of the Leiden University Medical Centre in close cooperation with the universities of our international faculty. The academic program includes a review and update of orthopaedic oncology and reconstructions in pelvic surgery including lecture presentations, virtual reality imaging, workshops and a hands-on cadaver course. Internationally acclaimed invited speakers will ensure that trainees and experts will be up to date with the latest modern orthopaedic technologies and evidence-based medicine. The program will focus on different kinds of surgical resections about the pelvis and their possible reconstructions with and without computer navigation. It is an interactive and comprehensive course, addressed to orthopaedic surgeons who wish to become an expert in reconstructive pelvic surgery or involved orthopaedic surgeons who want to train to refresh or widen their knowledge and experience.
• Prof. dr. M.A.J. (Michiel) van de Sande, orthopedic surgeon, Leiden University Medical Center, the Netherlands
• Prof. L. (Lee) Jeys, PhD orthopedic surgeon, The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Trust, Birmingham, United Kingdom
• Drs. D. (Demiën) Broekhuis, orthopedic surgeon, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, the Netherlands
• Dr. R.J.P. (Robert) van der Wal, orthopedic surgeon, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, the Netherlands
• Prof. dr. T. (Thomas) Schubert, orthopedic surgeon, Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc, Saint-Luc, Belgium
• Dr. E. (Eduardo) Ortiz Cruz, orthopedic oncoly surgeon, Hospital La Paz, Madrid, Spain
• Prof. dr. D. (Dietmar) Dammerer, orthopedic surgeon, head of the department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Krems University Hospital, Krems an der Donua, Austrian
• Prof. dr. A. (Ajay) Puri, orthopedic surgeon, head of the department of surgical oncology, Tata Memoral Centre & Homi Bhaha National Insitute, Mombai, India